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Full text: 38: Nordseezustand 2003

Marine Chemistry 
Nordseezustand 2003 
Fig. 4-37: Time series of cadmium concentrations in winter in filtrated near-surface (10 m) sea 
water from the German Bight. Only samples with an associated salinity above 34 were used. 
Fig. 4-38: Mean spatial distribution pattern of relative grain size fraction < 20 pm as compiled 
from surface sediment samples from the period 1995 to 2003 166 
Fig. 4-39: Spatial distribution of mercury content in the fine grain fraction (<20 pm) of surface 
sedimen t samples from 1995 167 
Fig. 4-40: Spatial distribution of mercury content in the fine grain fraction (<20 pm) of the sur 
face sediment sampled during 1995 167 
Fig. 4-41: Time series of the mercury content in the fine grain fraction of surface sediment sam 
ples from a small-scale area southeast ofFlelgoland (cf. inset) 168 
Fig. 4-42: Time series of mercury content in the fine grain fraction of surface sediments off the 
North Frisian Islands (cf. inset) 169 
Fig. 4-43: Time series of the mercury content in the fine grain fraction of surface sediments off 
the East Frisian Islands 170 
Fig. 4-44: Spatial distribution of differences in mercury content in the fine grain fraction of sur 
face sediment samples from the years 2000 and 1995 171 
Fig. 4-45: Profiles of Mercury content in the fine grain fraction of some sediment cores from the 
mud-area SE ofFlelgoland during the period 1986 - 2004 172 
Fig. 4-46: Distribution of 90 Srand 137 Cs activity concentrations in southern North Sea sea-water 
in late fall 2002. Underneath columns station IDs 176 
Fig. 4-47: Distribution of 137 Cs activity concentration in German Bight sea-water in September 
2003 177 
Fig. 4-48: Distribution of activity concentrations of transuranics 239,240 Pu, 238 Pu and 241 Am in 
southern North Sea sea-water in late fall 2002 178 
Fig. 4-49: Time series of annual maximum activity concentrations of 137 Cs and 90 Sr at former 
positions of out-of-operation light vessels >Borkumriff< and >Elbe 1< 779 
Fig. 4-50: Vertical distribution of 137 Cs, 239,240 Pu, 238 Pu und 241 Am in a sediment core from the 
Skagerrak at 57° 45' N, 8° E (June, 29 2001) 180

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