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Full text: 35: WOCE - Global Hydrographic Climatology

2.3 Other data 
A number of data-sets have been acquired through other organisations and from individual 
1) The German Oceanographic Data Centre (DOD, Hamburg) contributed with a 
substantial number of profiles obtained in the Atlantic Ocean aboard German research 
2) The Alfred-Wegener-Institute (Bremerhaven, Germany) shared with us a collection of the 
data collected in the northern and southern polar regions, 
3) The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute AARI (Saint Petersburg, Russia) provided a 
unique data set from the western Weddell Sea (Weddell Ice Station Data), 
4) The French Oceanographic Data Centre (IFREMER, Brest) contributed a number of 
French oceanographic cruises occupied in the Atlantic Ocean. 
Among other data-sets, obtained in the earlier data-empty regions we mention a data-set 
from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean (Lamont Doherty Earth Laboratory, courtesy of 
The total number of hydrographic profiles included in our composite data-set is 1,059,535 
,i - .I I I■ »I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I j I j j. 
Fig. 1: Historical (black) and reference (red) profiles from the combined data set.

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