5. Comparison with WOA01 climatology
This technical report is not intended to provide a detailed description of the differences
between the present and WOA01 World Ocean climatology. However, we want to provide
the reader with some results of our inter-comparison in order to explain and document
improvements achieved through the application of our methods of data quality control and
The main differences between the present and the WOA01 climatologies are due to
differences in the (1) data basis, (2) quality control procedure, (3) treatment of systematic
errors, and (4) spatial interpolation scheme. The data basis used for this study was extended
through the incorporation of a number of high-quality data-sets. This is important for such
data poor areas, as central parts of main ocean basins, especially in the South Pacific
Ocean. The quality control procedure used in this study provides a more elaborate tool in
identifying erroneous observations by estimating the quality of particular cruises. An
important deviation from the WOA01 climatology is the treatment of systematic biases
(errors) in the data, which were calculated relative to the reference WOCE dataset.