4. Interpolation onto a regular grid
4.1 Optimal interpolation method
The optimal interpolation method was used to compute climatological property distributions
of the selected standard levels on a regular grid. The methodology we use in this study has
been described previously in the oceanography literature, where it is variously referred to as
Gauss-Markov, optimal or statistical interpolation, or objective analysis (Gandin, 1963;
Bretherton et al., 1976). The technique is commonly used to interpolate irregularly sampled,
noisy data onto regular grids for subsequent analysis.
The method employs a location-dependent background or first-guess field G. An analysed
grid-point value F 0 is the first guess evaluated at the grid point plus an interpolated analysis
error. The latter is an interpolation to the grid-points of the differences between observation
values and values of the background field at the observing points. Thus an analysed grid-
point value F 0 is:
F 0 = 27 Wj(F r Gj) +G a
The weights w-, are those weights which minimise the ensemble average of the squared
difference between the analysis value and the true value of the field signal. For any specific
set of observing sites (i,j) and grid-point (o) locations the first-guess-minus-observation
differences and the grid-point first-guess error are considered to be stochastic variables with
a joint statistical distribution for which the covariances are known or can be computed or
The minimisation gives a set of linear equations for optimal weights w\
(A +AI) W = p (1)
where A is the signal correlation matrix with elements A ts =p(Ax id ), I is the identity matrix, and
A,=c n 2 /c f 2 , an AXjj represent the spatial separation between points i and j, p,=p(A x i0 ).
The method requires knowledge of variances of signal and noise and of the spatial
autocorrelation function p for increment fields. The signal is defined as variability with scales
larger than the smallest scales of interest. The noise is variability with smaller scales, plus
random instrumental errors.
An advantage of the optimal interpolation method is that it also returns an estimate of the
uncertainty (error variance). The relative error s'depends on the observation locations, and
on the levels of signal and noise variance:
So' = (1 -II Poi A~ 1 ijPoj), (2)
Another important advantage over empirical distance-weighting schemes is that the optimal
interpolation method takes into account relative separations among the observing sites but
not only the individual separations between the grid-point and the observing sites. The
presence of the correlations among input increments in the weight determination algorithm
controls for redundancy of information from sources whose increments are statistically
4.2. Data reduction
The optimal interpolation requires inversion of the covariance matrix, which becomes
impractical for a large number of observational points. Usually, only the data points closest to