15. Definitions
Accumulated areal ice volume, or V AI
The accumulated areal ice volume was introduced in 1989 as a new way of classifying
ice winters. Besides the duration of ice cover, also the ice concentration and thickness is
included in the calculation, thus taking into account interruptions of freezing periods
during each winter season. The daily areal ice volume data at the 13 ice climatological
stations are summed, and the accumulated areal ice volume is obtained by computing
the average of the 13 stations as
n 3 k
with n = number of stations
N = ice concentration (in tenths)
H = ice thickness
j = index of the 13 stations
k = index of days with ice.
Close drift ice
Drift ice with concentration of 7/10 to 8/10, composed of floes mostly in contact
Difference of dewpoint
Difference between the air temperature and the dewpoint
Drift ice
Term used in a wide sense to include any area of sea ice, other than fast ice, no mat
ter what form it takes or how it is disposed
Fast ice
Sea ice which forms and remains fast along the coast. Fast ice may be formed from
sea water or by freezing of drift ice
Freezing period
Period in which ice formation occurs in an observations area or ice increase continues
after a stagnation of ice development (ice decrease)
Ice concentration
The ratio expressed in tenths describing the amount of the sea surface covered by ice
as a fraction of the whole area being considered
Ice season
Period between the first and the last ice occurrence in the area being considered; Ice
season may contain several freezing periods
Level ice
Sea ice which has not been affected by deformation
Maximum ice thickness
Thickness of the level ice which is achieved in the maximum ice development of an ice
Modified ‘Winterzahl’, or W* z
Winterzahl (W z ) was introduced by Müller-Annen (1964, 1965) as W z ( = (n m / N),KS,
with n WT = number of days with negative means of the air temperature
N = period from 1 st of November to 31 st of March
KS = sum of coldness
W* z (T m < -2,0 °C) takes into consideration the daily mean of air temperature starting
with temperatures below -2.0 °C and the period from the date with water temperatures
below 4 °C until 15 th March