The present edition of the report series „Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeschifffahrt und
Hydrographie (BSH)" contains the geomagnetic data for the period from 1996 to 1999 presented by
Erdmagnetisches Observatorium Wingst (Wingst Geomagnetic Observatory, WNG). Since the end
of this reporting period, Wingst Observatory has been under the supervisory control of
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ). Thus, after more than six decades, the precise
observation and complete recording of the Earth's geomagnetic field has ceased to be a task
performed by a maritime institution:
- from 1938: Deutsche Seewarte (Maritime Observatory)
- from 1945: Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut (German Hydrographic Institute)
- from 1990 to 1999: Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (Federal Maritime and
Hydrographie Agency)
After GFZ has assumed responsibility for Wingst Observatory, the focus there is no longer on
maritime issues. Nevertheless, BSH will fall back on Wingst data also in future; it will support the
geomagnetic service by providing financial funding and contributing personnel.
A CDrom containing not only the data of the above reporting period but also a revised digital set
of all data that have been published since the establishment of Wingst Observatory is included with
the present report.
Dr. P. Ehlers
President and Professor