Nordsee und Deutsche Bucht 2002
Figure Index
Fig. 2-1 Bathymetry of the North Sea (including MARNET stations). Resolution 1/3 nm. Data
courtesy of Dansk Hydraulik Institut 13
Fig. 2-2 SLP and wind distribution over the North Atlantic for positive (left) and negative NAO
modes in winter. Source:
html, M. Visbeck (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) 15
Fig. 2-3 NAO phase portrait as percent frequency distribution of monthly dynamic NAO
states since 1879. Contours 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% are lines of equal rel. state density (i.e.
rel. # of states per square-bin, 0.6x0.6). The sequences of 15 yellow and 15 blue circles
(1,2,...,8, 9,0,N,D,J,F,M) show the temporal evolution from January 2002 through March
2003 of raw (yellow) and low-pass filtered (6 month, blue) monthly mean states,
respectively 16
Fig. 2-4 NAO Index 2002. Cf. Table 2-1 18
Fig. 2-5 North Sea surface circulation in winter (December through March) for negative and
positive NAO mode (after Schrum and Siegismund 2002) 19
Fig. 2-6 Seasonal surface circulation in 2002 (JFM = January-February-March, AMJ ...).
Vector means from weekly currents fields (BSFI-Model). Stability (%, colored) is the ratio
of vector mean current to mean magnitude 21
Fig. 2-7 Seasonal cycle of areal mean weekly SST of the North Sea from December 2001
through November 2002 and ensemble of corresponding cycles since 1968. Size of
monthly climate bullets (radius) gives interannual standard deviation 23
Fig. 2-8 Monthly SST anomalies in 2002 as departures from 1971-1993 climatology. Contour
interval is 0.5 K 24
Fig. 2-9 Monthly mean North Sea SST (°C) with anomalies (K) and percentiles (%), and
NAO-Index (Loewe and Koslowski 1998). Low-pass filter width 6 month. Color-steps for
percentiles: 1,5,10,25,50,75,90,95,99% 26
Fig. 2-10 Ranked annual mean North Sea SST 27
Fig. 2-11 SST regimes: North Sea (top) and Flelgoland (bottom and middle). Standardized
anomalies, low-pass filter width: 2 years, contour interval: 0.25 standard deviations. ...29
Fig. 2-12 North Sea surface salinity in winter (left, ICES IBTS, January 18 through February
28, and RV Gauß, Cruise 377, January 14-23) and summer 2002 (RV Gauß, Cruise
385, July 16-31) 30