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Full text: 30: Upper Ocean Climate - ship-of-opportunity programme of BSH

Sy, A. et al. (2002): Upper Ocean Climate Ship-of-Opportunity Programme of BSH - A Status Report 
1. Overview of upper ocean climate monitoring activities 
2. XBT network 
2.1 North Atlantic line AX-3 
2.2 Europe - Brazil line AX-11 
2.3 Further activities 
3. BSH contribution to the climate module of GOOS in the North Atlantic Ocean 
(GOOS A-2 corridor) 
3.1 Scientific background 
3.2 Preliminary results 
3.3 Future plans 
4. Real-time data distribution 
5. Data processing of delayed mode XBT data, quality control and hardware testing 
6. References 
7. Acronyms

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